The horrible thing that happened 8 years ago

Enough water has passed under the bridge and my massage practice is doing well enough now, so I can go ahead and tell this little story. About 8 years ago, I was in this same apartment building, but I was downstairs in apartment 9. When I visited my mother, she started complaining about my clothes stinking. I could not smell anything. She said it was really bad, and the problem persisted. I washed all the clothing in my closet and drawers and the smell, according to her, still wouldn’t go away. I became convinced there was mold in the air ducts, and I had people over to see if we could solve the problem. Finally, the apartment management offered me another apartment (apartment 17, where I am now) and I decided to take them up on their offer to let me move. As I was cleaning out my massage room, I removed a few boxes in the closet and noticed a sheet that had fallen behind them. I smelled this sheet and immediately realized this was the source of the problem! It turns out there was one day I was very busy, and I had a massage about to start, so to save time, instead of taking the sheet to the laundry basket I just threw it in the closet, thinking I would get to it later. The sheet fell behind the boxes and stayed there with the massage lotion on it getting rancid. I didn’t notice it because I don’t have a particularly strong sniffer. Thank goodness my mom does. I certainly learned my lesson. Let this serve as a cautionary tale for prospective massage therapists out there! Rich

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