The Temperature of the Massage Room

I keep the temperature at 72 or 73. If you would prefer the room to be warmer, I could go up to 74. Any warmer would not be good as I run too great a risk of sweating on the client. I run very hot. In fact, I am known for having exceptionally warm hands which makes them perfect for massage. I also start off my massages with hot towels on the back, so most [...]

The horrible thing that happened 8 years ago

Enough water has passed under the bridge and my massage practice is doing well enough now, so I can go ahead and tell this little story. About 8 years ago, I was in this same apartment building, but I was downstairs in apartment 9. When I visited my mother, she started complaining about my clothes stinking. I could not smell anything. She said it was really [...]

I am on Christmas break but you can still contact me!

I will be around to take appointments! Texting is best! I am back on the job starting Saturday, December 28th. That day is filling up fast, but there is plenty of availability beyond that at this time. ALSO - I am offering a NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL starting January 1rst, (NEW CLIENTS ONLY) - $15 OFF all massages lasting an hour or more! So, with the discount, [...]

Please note:

My massages are strictly professional. I do not do anything that could cause me to lose my license. However, that doesn't mean that I don't do great glute work and I'm also great at getting hard-to-reach places like the attachment points of the hamstrings and the subscapularis muscles. I'm not shy! I like to call myself "the king of relaxation." ;-) I'm an [...]

If you call, please leave a message!

Due to the overwhelming preponderance of "scam likely" calls, I am screening all phone calls from phone numbers/people I don't recognize. So if you are serious about getting an awesome massage, please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible! I work alone, so it might take a little while to respond. For example, I could be in the [...]

Unfortunately, I’m still not doing outcalls at this time.

I am still dealing with ankle and knee issues, so I don't want to put the weight of my portable massage table on them. Hopefully, I will go back to doing outcalls at one point. But I am still quite capable of giving an excellent massage here at my comforting and relaxing home massage studio! Make an appointment to see me [...]

Texting is best!

However, I'm happy to talk on the phone if that is what you prefer! If I don't answer, please be sure to leave a message so I know you are a real person interested in getting a massage with me. Otherwise, I will assume you are a spam caller. Please plan ahead by a day or more if possible. I understand some people are experiencing acute pain and need [...]

The Kinds of Massage I Do

I mostly do relaxation massages, but I do occasionally help people with specific issues such as sciatica or carpal tunnel syndrome. Pain relief is also a big part of my job. I employ Deep Tissue and NMT techniques to address pain issues. I also often use reflexology on the feet at the end of the massage, at which point my client usually achieves full [...]
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