
Greetings massage fans and those new to massage! Please note that I live alone in a two-bedroom apartment and I use the extra room and bath as my massage studio. It's not for everyone, but for the right person it's quite cozy and comfortable. My studio is near the front door and isolated from the rest of my apartment. I tailor my massages to your specific [...]


For the entire month of March, I will be running a Spring Special - $15 off all massages lasting an hour or more! Text today to make an appointment! Calling is fine too, but if I don't pick up, please leave a message or I will assume you are a spam caller. Have a great day, and I hope to C U [...]

Hello massage fans and those new to massage!

Please note that I work alone out of a home massage studio. It's not for everyone, but for those who are comfortable with the setup, it's an awesome experience! To make an appointment, texting is best, but if you do call, be sure to leave a message if I don't pick up or else I will assume it's another spam caller. It's hard to get a spur-of-the-moment [...]

“End of ’22” Special!

For the rest of the year, I am offering an "End of '22" special - $15 off all massages lasting an hour or more! I am also available on Thanksgiving (I will be celebrating the holiday with my family at a different date). Text or call (512) 767-9687 today to make an appointment! (texting is [...]

Hello massage fans!

...and those new to massage! Please note that I work alone so sometimes it takes a while to return a call or text (texting is best). It's hard to get a same-day massage with me these days, so please consider planning [...]

“Summer’s Almost Gone” special!

For the entire month of September, all massages lasting an hour or more will be $15 off! So with the discount, one hour will be $65, and hour and a half will be $95 and two hours will be $125. Text (or call) today to schedule your appointment! [...]

I am the glute master!

When it comes to the buttocks, many massage therapists are shy about working on them. Not me! The glutes are full of muscles that need attention. I use different techniques from different angles to massage them all and I even get the attachment points at the pelvic floor. Feels great and so [...]

Please note:

I am a professional, licensed massage therapist. I do not do anything illegal, nor would I do anything that would jeopardize my [...]

Hello massage fans and those new to massage!

Please note that I work by myself and if I don't pick up the phone or respond to a text right away, there's a good chance I am doing a massage. Please leave a message or text (texting is best). If you call and don't leave a message, chances are I will not call back as I get a lot of spam calls and don't [...]

July Beat the Heat Summer Special!

For the entire month of July, all massages lasting an hour or more will be $15 off! So with the special, one hour is $65, an hour and a half is $95 and two hours is $125 - make an appointment today to take advantage of this fantastic [...]
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